Thoughts on recent postings

Gintas writes:

I leave for a few days, and your site is crammed full of excellent material.

In “Does VFR have the inside track on Bush or what?” you reiterate Bush’s view of Rice as a “guru.” I’d expect that in a Mel Brooks movie with Gene Wilder, but in reality? These are mighty dark times we live in.

In “Putin the realist versus Bush the utopian,” has it occurred to anyone that Russia is not obliged to live up to democratic ideals? Leave it to a Liberal Fantasist to quack endlessly about “democratic ideals” in Russia. Knowing the Russians I imagine they give some lip service to those ideals in order to keep the West off its back. Can you believe that someday we might long for a man of steel (in Russian: Stalin) to deal with the Muslim menace in Russia (or anywhere)? It’s _that_ bad, isn’t it?

In all the discussion about Israel you comment “Many paleos actively hate Israel or see it as an enemy of America, which draws them inevitably to sympathize with, or at least downplay the evil of, its terrorist jihadist enemies.” I have a deep rooting interest in Israel as a fellow Western nation trying to survive a Muslim tsunami. I think your site has helped me along that way; I used to be much more neutral as you characterize paleos.

In “The evil thing on West 43rd Street” about the NY Times, wow! To think there are Americans who do this, and many more who lap it up. These are dark times indeed.

The silver lining in Sailer quoting Dave Barry: the Israelis _still_ hadn’t given in, and yes, you were right about how you can’t moderate Islam. A thin lining, but it’s there if you reach hard enough.

“All theory, no cattle” should be “all hat, no cattle.” I’m trying to find the joke in what you said, but I just can’t.

About a Lenin-style suppression of dissent: poor Stuart! I think we can be quite certain his last name isn’t “Steel.” Note how he worded it: “…your sustained attacks on people…” He sees your criticisms as personal attacks on people, not on ideas. I think one of the poisons of Liberalism is that we’ve completely constructed ourselves; our ideas _are_ us. When someone goes after our beliefs, we are hurt. How can you try to destroy me like that? I’m equal to you, blah blah blah. You have no right to do that, blah blah blah. We live in a Dark Age.

LA replies:

Thank you.

> “All theory, no cattle” should be “all hat, no cattle.” I’m trying to find the joke in what you said, but I just can’t.

“All theory”: meaning the Darwinian theory which they boast is supposedly completely established and explains everything. “No cattle”: meaning no actual biological organisms, no species that have demonstrably come into existence in accord with this theory.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2006 07:21 PM | Send

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