Coulter doing a Sharon Stone?

Dan W. writes:

The quite unattractive pic of her still appears on Power Line.

But to put it bluntly, it gets worse. If you would rather not see the video, I understand. It DOES appear that Ann is “doing a (Basic Instinct) Sharon Stone.” While your interpretation of the cover shot for Godless was debatable (I tended to side with Rick Darby on that) this was CLEARLY “over the top”…

LA replies:

Thanks for sending this, but let me ask you this. What is worse about Coulter in this video that makes you disapprove of it, whereas before you tended to be non-judgmental and defensive of her a la Rick Darby? You know Coulter wears very short skirts. When a woman wears very short skirts, inevitably when she crosses or moves her legs a lot is revealed, as the night follows the day. Since you have no problem in general with her “uniform,” which includes miniskirts and lots of exposed skin, why are you offended at the inevitable results of her wearing her “uniform”?

To me, your attitude is an example of the “unprincipled exception.” By your own description, you would seem in general to be liberal/libertarian/nonjudgmental as to matters of dress and appearance. But then there’s suddenly something that “goes too far,” that is “over the top.” But there’s no clear principle that separates what was ok from what is “too far.” The latter is implied in the former. You accept certain liberal premises, and then you object to the predictable outcome of those premises.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2006 06:03 PM | Send

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