Personal update: good news

Last June, as I announced here, there had been a return of growths after 15 months of my being free of visible disease. At that time I embarked on a new chemotherapy treatment, a clinical study involving pills that I take every day rather than an infusion received every two weeks.

The latest news is very good. According to the most recent CT scan, the tumors have shrunk slightly, though not significantly; the important thing is that they have not gotten bigger. Also, I have been feeling well almost since the beginning of the new treatment. I have no symptoms from the disease, and no uncomfortable side effects from the treatment. The only problem is the continuing weakness, including some difficulty in walking, which limits my activities, but even the weakness is somewhat less debilitating than it was with the former treatment.

Thank you to everyone who has been on my side through this.

- end of initial entry -

September 7

Thanks to the many readers who have written to express your happiness over the good news. I am so grateful for your good thoughts and your prayers.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 06, 2012 04:28 PM | Send

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