Game and the Founding

For a change of pace, an amusing article at a blog called The Spearhead, “How Game Secured American Independence,” tells how Benjamin Franklin’s popularity with and assiduous attentions to French ladies enhanced the regard in which the French held him, and, by extension, all Americans. The result was France’s treaty with America that ultimately led to the victory over the British at Yorktown.

- end of initial entry -

Todd White writes:

Ben Franklin’s got nothin’ on Jesus …

From the website, “The Truth Shall Set You Free”

The Origins of Game: Jesus

LA replies:

The piece is quite amusing, though it has some gratuitous bad language.

The intro could have been better written, as there’s some ambiguity as to whether the author is promoting Game or not. In fact he’s saying that the attempt to locate some grand origin of Game only pinpoints the silliness of Game’s pretensions. Most of the “techniques” Game takes credit for have been around since the beginning of time, in the behavior of men and leaders. Jesus shows kingly command in every circumstance, so naturally the Gamesters would see him as a master of Game. Well, Jesus was a master in all that he did; if he had practiced Game, he would have been a master of that as well.

I think the practical point made by the blogger, Justin, is that the followers of Game think they need this artificial technique called Game, whereas what they need is to be men.

Todd White replies:

It’s scary that—when it comes to Game—we can no longer be sure who’s joking and who’s being serious. The first time I read Roissy, I honestly thought it was a parody. But in this case, the author is joking.

LA writes:

Here’s is VFR’s epic debate on Game.

Kristor writes:

“…the followers of Game think they need this artificial technique called Game, whereas what they need is to be men.”

What else is there to be said on the subject?

Asher writes:

Justin, the blogger you mention here, has got “Jew issues.”

LA replies:

Wow. People have got to read this to believe it.

If you multipled Scott McConnell times Kevin MacDonald times David Duke, you might have this guy.

And he seemed normal and intelligent, with a good insight into Game, and an amiable sense of humor.

October 27

LA writes:

Here is a comment at Roissy’s this morning:


off topic, but I am almost labeling The Spearhead as a bitter blog

first, one of the founders exactly whom I forgot, someone who complained a lot about women, told the audience that he married a woman who already had a child. Sorry guys, but men who marry women with another man´s child, knowingly, deserve to get screwed

second, another poster spent several paragraphs discussing if women should be considered “the enemy” or not. talk about bitter beta loser

now the supreme founder himself has theoryzed that the American independence is due to game. this is the behaviour of guys in the first or second year in college, when guys usually think that the last book they read explains the whole world. Larry Auster, back to his old form, humiliated the guy.

[end of comment]

Again, I didn’t intend to humilitate or put down anyone when I said that the piece, “How Game Secured American Independence,” was amusing. But now it appears from gig’s comment that the author of the Independence article, by the name of Welmer, whom I’ve never heard of before, is considered the “supreme founder,” either of the blog Spearhead, or perhaps of Game itself, and that he meant the article entirely seriously, so that when I said I found it entertaining rather than profound and important, that was seen as a devastating put-down by these Game followers, who appear to have extremely fragile egos. If Welmer is considered a top figure in the Game world, and if his piece on Benjamin Franklin was meant to be taken entirely seriously, that would also explain Ferdinand Bardamu’s absurd overreaction to my description of Welmer’s article as amusing. Bardamu asked how such a smart fellow as myself could have become

so narrow-minded, stubborn, and recalcitrant that his reaction to new ideas is to shove his fingers in his ears and scream, “Nyah nyah, nyah nyah nyah, I can’t hear you!” like a bratty child?

I have a further entry this morning about this tempest in a teacup. And, talking about a tempest in a teacup, I’ve just realized that the post at Bardamu’s site, where he took me to task for “dismissing” Welmer, went on and on, with all kinds of people denouncing me.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 26, 2009 03:37 PM | Send

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