Debate goes on … debate goes on …

Todd White, who has been contributing to the discussions here, has posted at his site a dialog he had with Game proponent and blogger Ferdinand Bardamu, and it looks good. But Mr. White, please do something about that weird photo at the top.

- end of initial entry -

Todd White writes:

Thanks. I’m a bit confused, though. In the picture you’re referring to, I can see a face on the person on the right. That’s “Mystery” (he’s probably the most famous “Gamer.” He had a Reality TV show on VH1 called “The Pick-Up Artist.”

Here’s his Wikipedia bio:

LA replies:

Thanks. It’s like one of those odd drawings which can look like two totally different things depending on how you look at it, and I was looking at it the wrong way. The man’s hair covering the top part of his face and the odd angle of his head prevented me from seeing the image as a face.

But by “coincidence” (no—synchronicity), just as you’re telling me about the star of a reality show on the VH1 channel, I just happened to read in today’s New York Post about the former star (or contestant) of another reality show on the VH1 channel, Ryan Jenkins, who is wanted for the murder of his ex-wife, Jasmine Fiore, whose body was found in a trash bin in a Los Angeles suburb with the fingers and teeth missing. Police identified her body through her breast implants. The story says they were married earlier this year. So somehow he married her, divorced her, and killed her, all within less than eight months.

The story doesn’t provide any dates on this. It doesn’t tell when they were married, when they were divorced, when the body was found, or how long it was dead. Such is journalism today.

I’ve posted it here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2009 04:49 PM | Send

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