A spokesman the McCain team could do without

In an exchange on the Larry King show, action hero Chuck Norris repeatedly interrupts and talks over Arianna Huffington with pre-packaged, irrelevant ripostes, like asking her how many pages are in the U.S. tax code. I was about to say that Norris is a spokesman the McCain team should lose fast, but then I realized the fellow fits right with the mindless, thuggish spirit of the McCainized Republican party, as epitomized in the Michelle Malkin “We are Woman” video.

Whoops, I guess this is another sign that I’m moving to the left and morphing into Arianna Huffington.

- end of initial entry -

Mark K. writes (September 13):

You write:

“Whoops, I guess this is another sign that I’m moving to the left and morphing into Arianna Huffington.”

Why not? People who hold to a pure version of an ideology swing the other way when the ideal on that side becomes sullied. That type of conversion always begins with subtle critiques of supposed (but betraying) adherents of an ideology one is tenaciously hanging on to. Then moves on to justifications of the other side in the interest of fairness. How many leftists have moved to the right in the past 50 years? How many rightists have moved to the left?

LA replies:

Seriously, are you serious?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2008 09:40 PM | Send

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