A sane response to insanity

Here is Barack Obama on the David Letterman show last night addressing the lipstick controversy. Unlike the Republicans-turned-into-feminist-termagants who have taken over what was once called conservatism, Obama comes across as a sane, decent, witty human being.

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Mark K. writes:

LA: “A sane response to insanity”

Boy, you’re really trying to give yourself reasons to vote for Obama. Talk about morphing into an Arianna Huffington…who went from right to left. Why not just be honest and tell VFR readers that you always intended to find a way to vote for Obama instead of pretending all this anti-McCain huffery and puffery.

LA replies:

Talk about mind-killing polarization. I’ve said over and over that I oppose both candidates AND that I would defend both candidates when they were unfairly attacked. So all I do is point out that in this instance Obama is behaving better than his Republican attackers, and Mark K. interprets that as leftist partisan support for Obama.

Is there no place in Mark K.’s universe for simple fairness?

LA continues:

I’ve been saying for a year that if McCain won the Republican nomination he would destroy the GOP as a conservative party. Well, McCain has won the Republican nomination and now we see Republicans (1) insist on the ability of mothers with small children to be president of the U.S., (2) prohibit any disagreement with them on that point, and (3) engage in mass organizeed attacks on opponents as “sexists.” If that is not proof that the GOP has become a liberal-left party, what is?

Did Mark imagine that after my prediction was fulfilled and the GOP became a liberal-left party, that I would support it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2008 07:22 PM | Send

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