VFR and the election

While I have recently made the election the central (and, for a stretch of several days, the exclusive) focus at VFR, I don’t want the site to be consumed for the next two months with the issue of whether or not we should vote for McCain and whether Obama or McCain will or will not destroy the country and who will destroy it more. Whoever wins in November—and let’s remember that whatever we say here will have no effect on the outcome, unless perhaps the election is decided by a few thousand votes—will win, and then all our debates, speculations, fears, forewarnings, and hopes about the future election will have been relegated to the past by the actual present of the then-elected president. VFR needs to return to its principal concerns with the traditionalist defense of the West, a challenge that we will continue to face no matter who wins in November. That’s not possible at the moment, as there is still a big momentum in the election discussion, as well as a backlog of comments and entries to be posted. But my desire is to move VFR away from the election obsession (which I share) back to larger issues.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

You might think you’ve overdone the Palin subject. Chew on this: even Chronicles did an “Editor’s Round Table” with five full postings on the matter, and each one had a high number of comments. The only reason the chatter stopped is because they all had to go to the John Randolph Club meeting, and I’m sure the election will continue to be discussed hotly there.

Election time is much like driving by a car crash. You can’t help but look at the twisted wreckage.

LA replies:

Are you saying that democracy is the world’s worst type of car crash, except for all the other types of car crash than men have tried from time to time?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2008 01:53 PM | Send

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