Black preacher says America has got to speak the truth about blacks!

In a YouTube pressentation, the Rev. James Manning, whom we’ve heard before, eloquently protests the fact that no one is allowed to say anything critical about black people in this country—about their habits, their criminality, their production of 70 percent of their children outside of marriage—because if you say anything, you’re called a racist. And he urges people to start speaking the truth, regardless of the unpopularity it may bring.

I wonder what Manning would think of some of VFR’s recent posts about what I’ve called the savagery within the black community.

Gintas writes:

I just watched Manning. He could have been reading from an outline you sent him.

UPDATE: James Manning gets more and more amazing. Evan McLaren at Taki’s Magazine learned about Manning through this current entry, went to Manning’s website, and found a statement by Manning of revelatory importance about how the black man in America can heal himself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 06, 2008 05:30 PM | Send

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