The true value of Edward Kennedy certified

In a lifetime of awards presented to him for service to liberal causes, this will surely be the one closest to Sen. Kennedy’s heart. Via Mark Krikorian at the Corner, we learn that:

Mexico has awarded Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy the country’s highest honor for his work defending the rights of immigrants during his decades in Congress.

Krikorian comments:

It’s not like last year’s award, which went to Bill Gates for humanitarian work in Mexico. This is an award to a serving American legislator rewarding him for promoting the preferred policies of a foreign government in [a] domestic matter.

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Bruce B. writes:

Here’s an observation I’ve used to stump the “Tanstaafl” types: The single most destructive person to whites in U.S. history is an Irishman not a Jew.

Howard Sutherland writes (July 22, posted July 24):

In the NRO post you refer to about Mexico’s awarding the Submariner of Chappaquiddick the highest award it can bestow on a non-Mexican, Mark Krikorian asks his Corner colleagues “Doesn’t anyone see a problem with this?” Krikorian asked his question at 1:23pm yesterday, and posted two follow-ups—one noting the tastefulness of the Mexicans in awarding Senator Kennedy his Aguila Azteca on the anniversary of his (at best) negligent homicide of Mary Jo Kopechne, the other noting that some of his readers think Senator McCain should get one, too (and what about President Bush, I ask?).

It is now 9:30 the next morning and 16 comments later (excluding Krikorian’s own) nobody hanging out on the Corner finds this noteworthy. With respect to the Corner Kiddies, anyway, it looks like Krikorian has his answer. HRS

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 22, 2008 01:25 AM | Send

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