Who votes for Romney, who votes for McCain

Patrick Ruffini writing at Hugh Hewitt’s blog gives us the breakdown on Romney’s Michigan victory among Republicans and Christians, and McCain’s victory among Democrats and secularists.

Romney won Republicans 41-27 percent.
Romney won Evangelicals 34-29 percent for Huckabee. McCain took just 23 percent.
Romney won with those satisfied with President Bush 45-24 percent.
McCain won Democrats 41-33 percent.
McCain won pro-choice voters 39-35 percent.
McCain won among those who never attend church by 11 points—39-28.

- end of initial entry -

A reader replies:

That’s interesting about pro-choicers going for McCain, even though he’s been more consistently pro-life than Romney. To me it’s that McCain just has the whole aspect of a liberal, someone who would screw conservatives every chance he might get, maybe even about the Supreme Court justices they are longing for.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2008 11:59 AM | Send

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