The anti-Western double standard which is really a single standard

In the Cartoon protests in London in early 2006, masked Muslims carried signs such as “BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM.” Yet the British police declined to arrest the protesters, because, they said, it would create disruption, meaning that Muslims would get excited and violent. But in Brussels yesterday the police arrested non-threatening demonstrators against Islamization, on the basis that their non-threatening demonstration would be create disruption, meaning that Muslims would get excited and violent. So, in the name of “public order,” Muslim jihadists were allowed to stand in central London threatening mass murder against non-Muslims (and were only quietly arrested months later), while, in the name of “public order,” peaceful demonstrators in Brussels against Islam are violently arrested.

In brief, the impulse to cringe before Muslims leads to the licensing of Muslim violence, and to the violent suppression of non-Muslim non-violence. It looks like a double standard, but it’s really a single standard: surrender to Islam.

In this connection I’m reminded of Ralph Peters’s repeated statement that we don’t have to worry about the Islamization of Europe, because the Europeans are really Nazi-like thugs who will ruthlessly kill or expel the Muslims as soon as they get troublesome. In reality, of course, far from being Nazi-like, the Europeans are pathetic Eloi who are letting the Muslims dominate them, and the only brutal behavior by Europeans is the police action against Europeans who are protesting Islam. Therefore in practical terms Peter’s argument comes down to saying that we should do nothing to protect Europe, we should care nothing about Europe, and we should despise the Europeans as Nazis, even as the Muslims proceed to take over Europe. And Peters, this enemy of the West, who is called a “conservative,” is published almost daily in the “conservative” New York Post and appears frequently on television where he is free to spill his lunacies.

- end of initial entry -

Maureen C. wrote:

Lawrence: You are incomparable in your intellectual sharpshooting. This “bullseye” made me laugh out loud. Your ability to expose the cowardly, hateful, inconsistent thinking of the Eloi is unique.

LA replied:

Thank you, Maureen.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 12, 2007 10:40 AM | Send

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