What happened in Brussels: Europe’s present, our future?

Here is a vivid illustration of the fact that the present rulers of Europe are empowering Islam while silencing those who would protect Europe from Islam. It is a video of Vlaams Belang leaders being arrested in Brussels for trying to hold a peaceful demonstration protesting the Islamization of Europe. Paul Belien at Brussels Journal shows the same video (which plays instantly at his link) and also identifies the three political leaders being arrested, among them VB leader Filip Dewinter. The same entry has a detailed account of the event by someone who was there, including the massive police presence to suppress a peaceful demonstation consisting of two or three hundred people. (There is much more about this at Brussels Journal.)

And may I remind readers, without having Mary Jackson of New English Review call me anti-woman for saying it, that the sight of Vlaams Belang leaders being wrestled to the ground by police, handcuffed, and forced into a police vehicle is the physical manifestation of what the conservatives’ hero, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has said she wants: the banning of the largest political party in Belgium, the forcible silencing of one of the few organizations in Europe trying to restrict Islamic immigration and stop the takeover of Europe by the followers of Muhammad.

Also, as explained by Lilli writing from Europe, an earlier report I posted about the demonstration was incorrect. First, Vlaams Belang was not demonstrating with the Stop the Islamization of Europe group; second, there were many more arrests than previously indicated.

Lilli writes:

Vlaams Belang is not part of SIOE. They sympathized with the SIOE’s cause, but they made plain, they are not the organizers. There were in fact two demonstrations.

1. The international SIOE demonstrators gathered at Place Luxembourg and wanted to walk to Place Schumann, where they wanted to observe a minute’s silence for the 9-11 victims, but were hindered by the police to walk. So they stayed at Place Luxembourg.

2. The Vlaams Belang demonstrators gathered at Place Schumann.

The mass arrestings took place at Place Schumann, where the police was rather brutal and supposedly arrested 154 persons, the Vlaams Belang leaders and an Italian member of EU parliament among them.

This is reported by the newspapers. It seems to be true.

The police was less brutal at Place Luxembourg, where they arrested “only” a few persons. One of them a Czech who waved a Czech flag and one of them a German who showed a wooden cross.

This is reported by a German demonstrator, one of the bloggers of Politically Incorrect, Germany’s biggest political blog:

(Comment #245 gw) Unfortunately it’s only in German. The picture on top of the article shows the young man who was arrested for showing a wooden cross.

I am not sure whether SIOE opposes immigration, but I am sure that Udo Ulfkotte’s Pax Europa (The German organizer, who “canceled” the demonstration without being entitled to do so and without contacting SIOE and the Danish SIAD) does not. At the moment Pan Europe is denouncing nearly every critic of Islam besides themselves as extreme right. It is disgusting. The liberal multiculturalists were a problem when they opposed us. They are a disaster when they have hijacked the anti-Islamic movement. In Germany they have. They are attacking many comrades as racists and xenophobes and praising “moderate Muslims.”

I am totally depressed.

We have lost (Wir haben verloren). And it’s our own fault. Here are three pictures.

Best Wishes

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 12, 2007 07:02 AM | Send

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