McCain just can’t help manifesting his love of America

Byranna Bevens blogging at Vdare:

While the Senate tried to hammer out an immigration reform bill this week, McCain did manage one memorable moment on the floor when explaining why we could not simply deport all the illegal aliens already here. He said,

“We don’t have 12 million pairs of handcuffs.”

Wow … that’s a good one. People (voters) will undoubtedly see and follow the logic in that zinger!

Still, let’s give McCain credit. He is not simply the egomaniacal demagogue I always used to think he was. The man has true principles, for which he is willing to sacrifice his political ambitions. Too bad for him that his principles just happen to be treasonous.

Bevens continues:

It has been mentioned that the Secretary of Homeland Security himself—Michael Chertoff—was making the rounds this morning trying to persuade Republican senators to back the Bush immigration bill.

Lobbying with him was Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. Now I’m not suggesting that President Bush sent a virtually unknown man with absolutely no influence as some sort of Hispanic “token” to influence certain legislators but…well, yes actually I am suggesting that is what he did.

As I said a few weeks ago, could anything be more of a warning of the president’s real intentions than his assigning a Hispanic immigrant and a guy who looks like an AIDS patient to be his principal spokesmen for a bill supposedly aimed at securing our borders?

Richard B. writes:

I had to go down to Bisbee today and I drove back along the border highway. I was pleased to see many border patrol agents out and about. One group was arresting several illegals right on the highway’s shoulder.

I’m going to let McCain know that if he needs volunteers to drive illegals back to the border, there will be far more than 12 million cars and pick-up trucks willing to make the trip. No handcuffs necessary. No charge!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 28, 2007 02:16 PM | Send

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