The center and the epicenter of the immigration debate

An epicenter is the point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. “Epi” means above (as in epiphenomenon), so epicenter means the point above the center, the visible manifestation of that which lies within.

The epicenter of the pro-amnesty side has been the drive to legalize illegal immigrants and expand legal immigration. The center of the pro-amnesty side has been the drive to bust traditional, law-abiding, white-majority America so wide open it would lose all ability to defend itself, ensuring that the de-Europeanization of America will proceed at top speed. .

Conversely, the epicenter of the anti-amnesty side has been the desire to stop this hideous perversion of our laws and the mass invasion of our country that it would initiate. The center of the anti-amnesty side has been the desire to preserve America as a culturally specific, Anglo-European country—as One Nation, under God.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 28, 2007 02:58 PM | Send

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