The two-fold Dracula

Here’s something incredible. When the Open Border Boys first brought the bill forward on (I think) May 14, they shocked the country by skipping committee hearings and rushing this extraordinarily complicated bill, which no one had even read yet, right to final cloture. The country was as upset by the coup d’etat-like manner in which they were tying to pass the bill as by the bill itself, and that was one of the reasons the bill was rejected. But then, having managed to bring the rejected bill back from the dead, what did the Open Border Boys do this time? They added a bunch of incredibly complicated amendments that no one could understand, pushed the bill onto the floor without committee hearings, and tried to get a final cloture vote to close debate on the bill just two days after opening debate—step by step exactly as they had done with the first version of the bill.

So it wasn’t just the bill itself that came back from the dead. It was the dictatorial process by which they tried to ram the bill down our throats that came back from the dead. The bill, and the illegitimate way they tried to pass it, cannot be separated, because a bill aimed at killing America cannot be passed by legitimate means.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 28, 2007 01:11 PM | Send

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