Bush’s brilliant career

(A) Bush democratizes Iraq, which (B) liberates true Islam, which (C) results in systematic Muslim attacks on Christians (who had been protected from Islam under Saddam Hussein), which (D) forces Christians by the thousands to flee Iraq. Bush never acknowledges D, let alone the connection between A and D.

(E) Bush, believing that democracy is the solution to Islamic extremism, pushes the Israelis to include the extremist Islamic group Hamas in the Palestinian elections, which (F) results in Hamas winning majority control of the Palestinian parliament, which (G) gives Hamas the power to use violence against Fatah to take over Gaza completely, which (H) gives Hamas the ability to to destroy Christian churches and schools in Gaza, forcing Christians to flee Gaza. Bush doesn’t acknowledge H, let alone the connection between E and H.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 18, 2007 02:56 PM | Send

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