Bush’s Achilles heel?

As Howard Sutherland argues, Bush’s love for Mexicans does not just help us explain his ardor for open borders, it gives us an effective political weapon against it. Mr.Sutherland writes:

As we see in Diana West’s column, the idea that Bush is unbalanced about Mexico and Mexicans is breaking into the mainstream. Once people understand that, they will know he cannot be trusted—under any circumstances—to act in America’s interest about immigration and the borders.

It’s one thing for us to say that Bush is really a liberal, especially on immigration . That’s abstract, and, even now, a lot of people just don’t believe it: “Bush a liberal? What? He’s so right-wing.” People cannot conceive of the man who invaded Iraq as anything but a right-winger.

On the other hand, armed with his own words, we can say to people that Bush is unreliable and dangerous about immigration and border control because he has an extraordinary emotional attachment to Mexicans in particular and to Latin Americans generally. That he doesn’t see anything wrong with America being repopulated by Latin Americans, heedless of consequences, because he loves Latin Americans. That’s concrete, and increasingly irrefutable.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 18, 2007 03:38 PM | Send

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