Sharia’s the thing

Backing up my recent point that sharia, not jihad, is the most important thing about Islam, the Norwegian blogger Fjordman, writng at Gates of Vienna, quotes Ben Haddou, a member of Copenhagen’s City Council, who said on November 25, 2004:

It’s impossible to condemn sharia. And any secular Muslim who claims he can is lying. Sharia also encompasses lifestyle, inheritance law, fasting and bathing. Demanding that Muslims swear off sharia is a form of warfare against them.

In other words, if we don’t accept Muslims’ right to promote sharia law, a law that means the destruction of our society, we are waging aggressive war against Muslims. This of course is in keeping with the Koranic theme that all non-Muslims by the mere fact of being non-Muslims are waging war against Islam.

However, there was more to Haddou’s statement that Fjordman did not quote. According to the Copenhagen Post, Haddou continued:

For me, it’s not a question of either/or. I can easily support sharia, but distance myself from those aspects that don’t fit into the year 2004. Compare it to the constitution. Some parts are outmoded, and you might well imagine that some changes are long overdue.

You see, Haddou is not an extremist, he is a “moderate.” Indeed, just three days before the publication of the Copenhagen Post story, Haddou had criticized another Muslim politician in Denmark, Fatima Shah, for supporting the stoning of adulteresses, saying her statement would set back the integration of Muslims in Denmark. The little problem, however, is that while Haddou was willing to forego this most extreme element of sharia, stoning, he remained a supporter of sharia, and, as the Danish People’s party leader Pia Kjærsgaard said at the time, her party would not admit new members if they refused to condemn sharia law in its entirety:

“The Muslim politicians have their laundry list of complaints, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re either for (sharia law) or against it. It’s a package deal,” said Kjærsgaard, citing the recent example of former Copenhagen Social Democrat Fatima Shah, who told Jyllands-Posten that sharia law was an “either/or” concept.

So there it is. I would say that for the same reason that renunciation of sharia is a criterion for membership in the Danish People’s party, it should also be the criterion for admission into any non-Muslim country. But are mere verbal assurances from a Muslim that he has renounced the belief in sharia enough? Muslims might lie, or they might sincerely renounce sharia, but, being Muslims, return to it in the future. Also, since they regard as a warlike act our demand that they give up sharia, that would only justify in their minds lying about the matter in order to have revenge on us later. We cannot endlessly police the entire Muslim population, a task that would turn our own society into a police state. That is why I say that if we want the West to remain free, and to remain the West, Muslims must not not be permitted to reside in significant numbers among us.

Is removing them really such a big deal? My gosh, we now admit over a million legal permanent residents per year. Assuming three million Muslim in America, if they began leaving at a rate of 300,000 per year, in ten years they would be gone.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 18, 2006 12:52 AM | Send

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