The EU’s latest move to destroy nations

The EU is creating new transnational regions in Europe that place sections of different countries in the same region, for example, the “TransManche” region joins southern England and northern France, and the Northern Periphery region lumps together north-west Scotland with Scandinavia and Iceland. The goal, which some EU types make explicit, is the erasure of historic national boundaries hastening the arrival of a single European super-state.

Of course, the blending of the ancient states of of Europe into a single super-state has been the goal of the EU all along. If you oppose that goal, then you simply have to get your country out of the EU, or, better, destroy the evil EU altogether. But to remain in the EU, while professing to be shocked, shocked by the EU’s latest power-grab, is the height of foolishness. The EU is what it is. It cannot be reformed. If you want to stop it, you must destroy it.

Here is more information on this at The Brussels Journal.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 18, 2006 01:21 AM | Send

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