We are not a nation of immigrants, and we’re not going to take it any more

Cindi S. writes:

The President and many others keep saying we’re a nation of immigrants. I want them to stop it. I am a native-born American, so were my parents, and that will not change no matter how many times they say it. America has had many immigrants, before that colonists, before that conquerors, but we are not a nation of immigrants.

I say that, not to degrade the immigrant, but in the desire to avoid further degradation of the meaning of language. Aaarrgghh!

LA replies:

It’s not just a degradation of the language (which it certainly is), it’s a way of saying that immigrants are central to America, and the rest of us aren’t. It is a subversive, radical slogan, and by accepting it as an “ordinary” slogan all these years, we have allowed our country to be subverted and radicalized.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2006 12:44 AM | Send

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