Hitler’s eye on Palestine

One of the many unique things about Hitler’s war on the Jews was that, instead of killing just the Jews of Germany and Austria, the German homelands, he conquered entire countries in order, in part, to capture and kill all the Jews in those countries. Thus, for example, after the Nazis came to power in 1933 the Frank family fled Germany and found safety in the Netherlands. But that wasn’t enough, because the Nazis in 1940 invaded the Netherlands and rounded up all its Jews and shipped them off to camps; the Franks escaped capture and death for two years by hiding in an annex, but eventually they were found too. Similarly one of Hitler’s chief reasons for invading Russia was to kill its Jews, as proved by the fact that mass killings of Jews began within hours of the start of the invasion.

Now it’s turning out that Hitler’s reach after Jews—Jews who in many cases had already escaped his clutches—went beyond even Europe. Researchers have found that the Nazis intended to murder all 500,000 Jews in Palestine. The only thing that prevented the plan from being carried out was Montgomery’s defeat of Rommel at El Alamein.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2006 12:03 AM | Send

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