“Conservative” Christians for national suicide

A story on Sen. Brownback (for whom I recently expressed utter contempt) in the Washington Post, “A Conservative Crosses the Border,” says that he is “one of the most conservative senators,“ but not on illegal immigration:

Brownback, a Roman Catholic, says he approaches immigration from a humanitarian perspective and is unmoved by his colleagues’ criticism. [Excuse me, Senator, you’re not supposed to approach immigration from a “humanitarian” perspective but from the perspective of what is good for America!] Voicing the views of many evangelical Christians, Brownback said he considers the plight of illegal immigrants a form of suffering.

“One of the key measures in any society is what you do for the so-called least of these,” Brownback said in a floor speech laced with religious references. “People who have difficulty with status, difficulty having laws applied to them, have difficulty accessing the system are considered the least of these.”

This shows how deadly dangerous Christianity is to society when the sacrificial, “compassionate” elements of it are divorced from a balanced and responsible view of reality. The “conservative” Catholic Brownback and his “conservative” evangelical Christian allies have a Matthew 25-based view of politics (discussed by me here), the logical end of which is open borders, the destruction of America, and the erection of a global socialist state.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2006 01:42 PM | Send

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