A giant of a man

Here is Sam Brownback, the “conservative” U.S. Senator from Kansas who has a name that sounds like the name of a gorilla and the low brow of a gorilla and the shambling appearance of a gorilla, but who seems to lack certain bodily parts of a gorilla, including even a gorilla-level brain, being quoted in today’s New York Times:

“I think everybody sees the immigrant community as an emerging force. I think everybody is quite sensitive that they don’t want to be on the wrong side, politically, of this group.”

Even I can’t believe he said this. These are persons illegally present in this country, who have no right to be in this country, who have no right to the vote and no right to any political influence in this country, who are not part of our body politic, and who are, each one of them, subject to arrest and instant deportation under our laws, and this snivelling moron of a U.S. Senator is afraid of them politically! He’s publicly announcing that he’s intimidated by them and their supporters! He’s telling the world that he will back their demands, not because he thinks it’s the best thing for America, but because he thinks they’ve got him by the non-existent bodily location where his non-existent brain must follow. I know that politicians often do things for shameful reasons, but they don’t normally boast of the fact to the New York Times!

Oh, and one other thing. Did you know that Brownback, this miserable, brainless, “Christian” coward (he’s very big on pro-life issues—more on Brownback here), looks in the mirror each morning and sees … a potential U.S. president?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 11, 2006 10:01 PM | Send

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