I told you so

All through 2004, I said that the re-election of George W. Bush would mean the ongoing destruction of the conservative movement and of the Republican party as a vehicle of conservatism, and for that reason, among others, I would not vote for him (I cast a legally meaningless but morally meaningful write-in ballot for Tom Tancredo). Many people saw this as a foolhardy and irresponsible position. But now even the online version of the flagship journal of American conservatism is approvingly quoting the view that “In doing what he does under the banner of ‘conservativism’ [Bush] is single-handedly destroying a movement that so many worked so long and so hard to build.” If Bush is using his presidency to destroy the conservative movement, does it not follow that a Bush defeat in 2004, no matter how disastrous it would have been for the country in the short term, would have been better for the country in the long term?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2006 12:33 PM | Send

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