Not a moderate Muslim

From Hugh Fitzgerald writing at Jihad Watch, here is an excellent criterion for proving that a person who claims to be a moderate Muslim, is not:

In this case as in all others, the phrase “moderate Muslim” should not be used unless it is clearly defined. I suggest that any Muslim who misleads non-Muslims about the central tenets of Islam—whether or not he agrees with them—is objectively furthering the Jihad, by rendering non-Muslims unwary, and keeping them in a state of naive trustingness that can only cause them harm. So that even if one who is routinely thought of, and describes himself as, a “moderate Muslim,” and who does not subscribe fully to orthodox Islam, does not tell the truth to Infidels about what Islam inculcates or what its canonical texts contains, the likely effect of his words is to further the Jihad.

Let’s speak plainly. According to Fitzgerald’s unanswerable logic, about 97 percent of so-called moderate Muslim spokesmen are, whatever their conscious thoughts and intentions, objectively jihadists. This constitutes further support for radio host Michael Graham’s immortal insight that “Islam is a terrorist organization.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2005 02:34 PM | Send

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