Why Jews hate Bush and excuse exterminationist Jew-haters

A reader writes:

Mr. Auster,

As a result of your post today on anti-semitism, I found your previous piece for Frontpage Magazine on why Jews do not object to Muslim immigration. Of all the things I’ve read over the past six months through your site, this was the most illuminating. I am a Catholic who has lived with Jews all my life. My closest friends and in-laws include Jews. And yet, I find a widening gulf between myself and them. I have been deeply puzzled in recent years why they spend more time attacking George Bush than the virulent anti-semitism in the Middle East and Europe. I worry about anti-semitism more than they do! Some of the statements I read in the Arab press positively take my breath away, they are so filled with an unabashed hatred of Jews. When I read these statements, I feel an overwhelming fury toward their authors. Yet the Jews I know foam at the mouth at the mention of George Bush and cling ever tighter to their ideology of feel-good inclusiveness. Now I see how this illogical reaction has sprung from their past.

A loyal reader

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2005 02:19 PM | Send

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