Islam is a terrorist organization. QED.

The awakening continues. Michael Graham, writing in the Jewish World Review, says that for four years he believed President Bush that Islam is a religion of peace. In the wake of the London bombings, however, the polls of Muslim attitudes plus the statements of Muslim organizations have produced a very different thought process. He lays out the facts, and concludes that Islam is a terrorist organization:

If the Boy Scouts of America had 1,000 scout troops, and 10 of them practiced suicide bombings, then the BSA would be considered a terrorist organization. If the BSA refused to kick out those 10 troops, that would make the case even stronger. If people defending terror repeatedly turned to the Boy Scout handbook and found language that justified and defended murder—and the scoutmasters in charge simply said “Could be”—the Boy Scouts would have been driven out of America long ago.

Today, Islam has entire sects and grand mosques that preach terror. Its theology is used as a source of inspiration by terrorist murderers. Millions of Islam’s members give these killers support and comfort.

The question isn’t how dare I call Islam a terrorist organization, but rather why more people do not.

Graham ends on the inconsistent note that Islam “can save itself.” But that doesn’t take away from the clarity of his thinking in the rest of the article.

In this connection, last night I was talking with jihad scholar Andy Bostom who called Islam a totalitarian ideology. I said this is a very useful formulation as it dispenses both with the “moderate” escape hatch and the “religion” escape hatch. If Islam is a totalitarian ideology, then we can deal with it as such, including closing down its organizations and excluding its members from the U.S., and no longer have to treat it with kid gloves because it’s (solely) a “religion.”

And now, complementing Dr. Bostom’s cogent description, Michael Graham calls Islam a terrorist organization. We are really getting somewhere.

Here’s yet another description of Islam that readers may find useful. A month after 9/11, after listening to the arguments of people who had read and thought more about the subject than I had at that point, I concluded that “Islam is a totalitarian genocidal tribalism.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2005 07:54 AM | Send

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