The one-party state lets Berger get away with it

So “Sandy” Berger, tub of lard (the physical reference is justified in this case, as Berger’s puddinglike, shapeless physiognomy perfectly matches the shapelessness of his mind, the evasiveness of his statements, and his utter lack of any discernible concern for the national interests of the United States during his tenure as Clinton’s national security advisor), gets a $50,000 fine and three years probation for stealing from a secure archive and then destroying government documents relating to the Clinton administration’s handling of terrorism. Some say that this is much tougher punishment than the $10,000 that had earlier been discussed by prosecutors. Horsefeathers. The main thing is, he got away with it. Whatever he was seeking to conceal about the Clinton administration’s failure/refusal to confront terrorism, he succeeded in concealing it. For a Washington lawyer like Berger, the fine is nothing.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 09, 2005 11:27 AM | Send

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