He is the very model of a modern Muslim moderate, cont.

One of the more honorable things America has done since 9/11 was to ban from the U.S. Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss citizen and Europe’s most prominent and fashionable Muslim academic, when he was planning to come here to teach at Notre Dame (see this and this and this.). Ramadan has manufactured a “moderate” rep for himself while in fact slyly refusing to separate himself from Islamist—let’s be more accurate, Islamic—positions, such as the stoning of women for adultery. Ramadan is also the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood which is the source of the ideology of Osama bin Laden.

Now for the punch line: One of the most dishonorable things Great Britain has done since 7/7 was to allow Ramadan to enter and live in Great Britain in order to teach at Oxford University.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 04, 2005 05:55 PM | Send

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