America-hating leftists who loved America until five minutes ago

I read the inexpressible Randall Robinson’s column yesterday and today saw David Horowitz’s blog item on it. The most amazing thing about the Robinson column was this:

My hand shakes with anger as I write. I, the formerly un-jaundiced human rights advocate, have finally come to see my country for what it really is. A monstrous fraud.

He, the formerly unjaundiced! He, among the biggest America-haters around!

This is a standard leftist ploy. “I used to to be a wave-the-flag American, I’m a life-long, rock-ribbed, dyed-in-the-wool Republican, but now that X has happened, oh, man, I have finally had it with America/Republicans.”

Rush Limbaugh used to get callers constantly who would say, “I’m a Republican/conservative, but when I saw George Bush do X, Y, or Z, that turned me against him.” Of course it’s a lie, they were given this talking point by some leftist outfit.

They must do this, because, of course, they’re not opposed to Bush because of X, Y, or Z, they’re opposed to Bush because of what he is (which isn’t much, but that’s another question). But in order to legitimize themselves they must falsely claim to share a common ground of rationality and national allegiance with those who are not simply Bush haters.

As I said, it’s a standard device. But for a man famous for his searing resentment of America to describe himself as, until one week ago, “unjaundiced,” truly takes the cake.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 04, 2005 05:35 PM | Send

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