U.S. keeps out phony Muslim “moderate”

At the request of the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department has revoked the visa of Tariq Ramadan, the Swiss “moderate” Muslim (for clarification of the term “moderate” Muslim, read here) and European academic star whom Notre Dame, a Catholic institution apparently in the midst of a suicide attempt, had named as its Henry B. Luce Professor of Religion, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Ramadan may be the very model of a modern Muslim “moderate,” but I guess Notre Dame and America will just have to muddle through without his marvelous talents.

Good work, U.S. government! Years ago, when the British government under John Major had the intestinal fortitude to keep Louis Farakhan from entering Britain, I was so pleased I wrote a letter to the then Home Secretary, Douglas Hurd, to congratulate him on the decision.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 25, 2004 07:17 AM | Send

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