The significance of Michael Graham

Unlike most incidents in which a public person has gotten in trouble and/or lost his job for politically incorrect speech, Michael Graham was not merely letting off steam or being careless or inadvertently crossing some line. Just the opposite. His argument that Islam is a terrorist organization was logically and cogently argued. It persuaded me. It was an important statement that every American should read and think about. And for this he was fired.

He was fired, not for lurching over a line, but for making a reasoned and penetrating statement about a vital subject. I cannot think of another case in which the issue of free speech versus political correctness has been drawn so starkly.

The public must punish ABC. Not because ABC violated Graham’s “rights.” This is not about “rights.” This is about politics in the true sense, that is, it’s about what we as a people regard as good and right. Do we regard it as good and right that we as a people be able to speak critically about Islam in public and not be intimidated into silence? Or do we regard it as good and right that we be prevented from speaking critically about Islam, even as Islam continues on its Long March to subvert and dominate the West? That is the issue. ABC has expressed its opinion. Now the rest of us have to express ours. Thousands already have.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2005 12:48 AM | Send

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