Cardinal tells British: let yourselves be killed without making a fuss

Ironically, just after posting a blog entry in which I described the English as Eloi, I received an article by Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Archibishop of Westminster, in which he makes this ultimate statement of liberal surrender:

These are moments of trepidation for Londoners, and they are likely to continue—possibly for years. Are we prepared, mentally and spiritually, to live with anxiety? Do we understand the temptations, and the risks, of vulnerability? Can we learn to live in uncertainty, even fear, and so suck the terror from the terrorists? Or will we submit, slowly but surely, to a spiral of dehumanisation, and hand them the victory?

There ought to be a law. Anyone who says that if we fight back against our mortal enemies, we are allowing them to “win,” should be declared a traitor and be stripped of his citizenship.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2005 02:15 AM | Send

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