London terrorists left 16 bombs in car

The car left by one of the July 7 bombers in Luton on his way to London had sixteen bombs stashed in it, indicating either that the terrorist cell had many more members planning further attacks who failed to pick up the car, or that the bombers did not intend to kill themselves on July 7 but to carry out more attacks. According to a good article in the Scotsman, police agree that if this one group had so many bombs prepared, it’s almost certain other groups in England are planning attacks as well. And now the English have to deal with the likelihood of more horror lurking in their midst.

In a republic, said Washington, people must feel an evil before they will see it. Over the past several years, Muslim jihadists residing in England issued repeated, open, audacious threats against England, but all that wasn’t enough to make the English feel the danger they were in. Only actual bombs in the London Underground made them feel the danger. What can you do with people like this, except let their folly take its course? Tolkien modeled the peaceful but hardy and courageous Hobbits on the English. Today’s English are not Hobbits, but Eloi.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 28, 2005 01:30 AM | Send

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