Commemorating the attack on London by celebrating diversity

Wanna know what’s going on at Saturday’s big gathering in London in memory of the victims of the Moslem jihadist suicide bombers? Not exactly a vigil (though it’s being planned in sync with the official “vigil” scheduled for Thursday), but, according to its program, a multicultural, musical celebration of everything nonwhite, everything Third-World, everything that represents the extinction of what used to be Britain. The “Rise” concert (presumably a reference to the nonwhites of Britain “rising,” based on the fact that the stated purpose of the program is to “celebrate London’s diversity”) was simply renamed “London United,” but with the previously scheduled performances essentially unchanged. None of this is any surprise. The only cultural expressions available to Western liberal society, even when a memorial to victims of terrorist enemies is called for, are rock concerts and odes to diversity that undermine whatever is left of Western society. As I said in an earlier blog entry today, Britain has “drawn the battle line between liberalism, and the terrorism that liberalism liberates.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 13, 2005 01:07 PM | Send

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