Bush’s policy is so crazy, even its success would be a disaster

Even if President Bush’s most sanguine ambitions were fulfilled and democratic governments were set up in Iraq and several other Moslem countries, an event Bush’s supporters would hail as the greatest since the Creation, that would not at all solve our Islam problem. Unless all Moslems were converted to the belief in democracy, an impossible outcome, millions of Moslems would continue to resent and hate the alien system—the antithesis of their holiest beliefs—that had been imposed on them, and they would fight it with ever renewed fierceness and terror. So Bush’s democratization strategy, even if it succeeded on its own terms, is a recipe for an unending guerilla terror war waged against every democratic regime in the Moslem world that had been midwived (directly or indirectly) by us, a jihad campaign that America would be responsible for suppressing, forever.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 13, 2005 12:20 PM | Send

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