The suicidal cluelessness of Western leaders

A reader writes:
I was just thinking about the implications of responding to terror by giving billions of dollars in aid to the “Palestinians.” They are the most terrorist producing and terrorist supporting people in the world, and they have the exact same Islamic fascist ideology as the terrorists who murdered so many innocent people in Great Britain. They are one and the same. What this means is that the leaders of the Western World which is under attack by Islamic fascism don’t have the faintest idea who the enemy is. They are so clueless that they actually think a big part of the solution is to create an enemy terrorist state in a time of war. They have bought into the Arab and leftist propaganda that the cause of Islamic terrorism is victimization and grievance, and are absolutely blind to the deep seated virulent ideological dynamic that is really driving this. And they completely reverse cause and effect in seeing the invention and exploitation of the “Palestinians,” not as a consequence and tool of the decades long Jihad against Israel stemming from preexisting Islamic doctrine and intolerance, but as the cause of Islamic hostility and aggression. We are being attacked by a brutal and ruthless ideologically motivated enemy, and the clueless leaders of the Western World think that the proper response is to do social work on the enemy.

I thought I would also send you this below which was posted by someone on Jihad Watch. It’s the very best thing I’ve read on this topic today on the internet. The commenter is responding to Tony Blair’s talk about addressing the “root causes” of terrorism:

And what are they, according to the good Prime Minister? Deprivation, lack of democracy, and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Of course, the last cause is roughly equal to Israel.

Nothing about Jihad ideology, nothing about the Qur’an and Sunna, nothing about billions of dollars of oil wealth financing a barbaric, aggressive, fascist ideology, Islam, nothing about Islamic triumphalism, the victories of Islam in Afganistan, Iran, Sudan and in other smaller arenas like Indonesia and Egypt (e.g. the assassination of Sadat), the truimphalist fallout of ‘Islam’ acquiring the bomb in Pakistan, the European nurturing of Islamic madmen like the Ayatollah Khomeini, the European nurturing of millions of Muslims in Europe itself, many of whom desire to bring an end to Western ways of life, and all of whom, if they are truly Muslim, are obligated to defend and advance the faith and seek the establishment of Islamic law, the billions of dollars given to Muslim countries that fan the flame of hatred against non-Muslims and those who oppose Islam, most notably, the United States and Israel, the global Islamic propaganda machine, Islamic Internet sites financed by Arab oil money, Al Jazeera, nothing about the encouragement given to Islamic forces of Jihad by appeasement, like Madrid, like the billions handed over to the so-called ‘Palestinians’, nothing about the farce of the so-called ‘war on terror’, which does not identify the enemy, Jihadists, mujahedin, inspired by Jihad ideology central to the tenets of Islam itself, and nothing about Western self hatred, that looks to blame itself for the actions of those who indiscriminately murder innocent non-Muslim citizens whose lives are considered worthless, utterly expendable in advancing the cause of Islamic victory.

Nothing about something that really matters. Nothing.

Mr. Prime Minister. God help Great Britain and the non-Muslim world. You, like Neville Chamberlin, completely misunderstand the enemy that threatens your people and all of us who call ourselves free, that is, free of Islam, and your ignorance, your utter foolishness in the face of this deadly fascism will cost us all.

LA here again. I would just add this about Blair. When he came to Bush’s side in the Iraq war and was attacked so strongly by the left and got so much credit from U.S. conservatives, I said, Blair is a leftist. True, unlike most of the left today, he is a rational leftist, meaning that when people physically threaten his country he wants to fight them, unlike the irrational left who will not even fight in self-defense. But he remains a leftist, meaning that he still sees the enemy as not ultimately an enemy but as the product of social forces, particularly Western oppression, so that a major part of the way we “fight” our supposed enemies is by a combination of reforming his society and meeting his hostile demands. In short, the kind of utter incoherence that one would expect from a moderate leftist. And now, in the wake of the London bombings, that side of Blair has emerged into broad daylight.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2005 09:53 AM | Send

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