Western, liberal, non-religious Muslims join Al Qaeda

According to a report prepared last year for Prime Minister Blair that was recently leaked to the London Times, “Al-Qaeda is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out terrorist attacks in this country.” Most of the Al-Qaeda recruits tend to be loners “attracted to university clubs based on ethnicity or religion” because of “disillusionment with their current existence.” British-based terrorists “range from foreign nationals now naturalised and resident in the UK, arriving mainly from north Africa and the Middle East, to second and third generation British citizens whose forebears mainly originate from Pakistan or Kashmir.” Now get this:

In addition … a significant number come from liberal, non-religious Muslim backgrounds or (are) only converted to Islam in adulthood. These converts include white British nationals and those of West Indian extraction.

Let’s just linger over that statement for a moment: A significant number of Al Qaeda recruits are from liberal, non-religious Muslim backgrounds or only convert to Islam in adulthood.

What does this mean? All along, mainstream conservatives (I don’t bother mentioning the left because they’re not concerned about national security and so are irrelevant to this debate) have told us that assimilation is the answer, that the cultivation of “moderate” Islam is the answer, that “democracy” is the answer. But now it appears that even Muslims of liberal, non-religious background—i.e., assimilated Muslims living in Western, democratic societies—are among the prime candidates for Al Qaeda membership.

What does this mean? It means that the entire Muslim population—including those who seem to be most Westernized and assimilated—are potential jihadists. It means that jihadism remains, in all times and places, the default position for Muslims. In various times and places, Muslims may become less pious, they may grow distant from their traditions. But as long as they remain Muslims, they are likely sooner or later to return to their true religion, which commands jihad, just as these liberal, Westernized, non-religious Muslims in Britain, many of them born in the West, have converted to the purest version of Islam and signed onto an organization devoted to the violent destruction of the West.

What does this mean? It means what I have said all along: that Muslims do not belong in significant numbers in any Western (or any non-Muslim) country, period.

What does this mean? It means that it’s not enough to investigate and prosecute the tiny handful of Muslims who are actually involved in terrorist groups or terror funding (i.e., the vaunted or despised Patriot Act), and that it’s not enough to screen out prospective immigrants and visitors with jihadist sympathies.

It means, as I wrote in “How to Defeat Jihad in America,” that the Western countries must initiate a net out-migration of Muslims back to their native or ancestral lands.

This program consists of the following steps. First, we must stop all mass immigration (i.e., immigration under the national numerical quotas) from Muslim countries. Second, we must stop all mass immigration of Muslims as Muslims, regardless of their country of origin. Third, we must deport all Muslim illegal aliens. Fourth, we must require all Muslim resident aliens to leave. Fifth, we must shut down all jihadist and Wahhabi mosques. Sixth, since jihadism is incompatible with loyal citizenship of any non-Muslim country, we must strip of their citizenship and deport all Muslim naturalized citizens with any jihadist sympathies. Finally, if the above steps have not sufficed to make us safe, we must strip of their citizenship and deport all native-born Muslims with jihadist sympathies. As harsh as that last measure sounds, I have explained previously why it would be perfectly moral. These steps would not remove all Muslims from the West. But they would, through the combination of forced and voluntary departures, reduce the Western Muslim population to a fraction of what it is now, while removing all of its jihadist elements. The ultimate aim, however, must remain the removal of virtually all Muslims from the West.

Charles Martel didn’t initiate years-long criminal investigations to arrest and try a handful of the most dangerous Muslims of the tens of thousands then in Gaul. He defeated and drove out the Muslims, and saved Europe.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2005 03:18 PM | Send

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