Clinton’s seminal achievement

Regarding former President Clinton, a friend brought to my attention the interview Clinton gave to Sixty Minutes in June 2004 in which he claimed to be proud of his battle against impeachment, including the lies he told to his cabinet officers and the American people in order to survive in office:

I didn’t quit, I never thought of resigning and I stood up to it and beat it back. The whole battle was a badge of honor. I don’t see it as a stain, because it was illegitimate.

Picking up on the Great Stainmaker’s perhaps unconscious use of the double entendre, “stain,” a commenter at Tim Blair’s blog quoted a further Clinton remark from that same interview, which, based on the internal evidence of the text and on the fact that Google does not turn up the quote anywhere else, we can assume is a parody:

“I stood up to it and beat it back,” says Bill Clinton. “I don’t see it as a stain, because it was illegitimate.”

Man really needs to work on his interview technique.

Posted by Tim Blair at June 18, 2004 05:28 AM

Clinton continued, “Even though this ordeal was long and hard, I could feel it was the seminal event of my presidency. I didn’t want to blow it, but was willing to take it on the chin if I had to.”

Posted by: Russell Wardlow at June 18, 2004 at 05:54 AM

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2005 11:51 AM | Send

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