VFR readership

From March through June, the average daily number of visits to VFR for each month hovered right around 2,500, with no variance greater than 29 from 2,500. Here are the figures displayed via Webalizer:

March: 2,510
April: 2,503
May: 2,529
June: 2,496

This represents a new high in the three-year history of VFR. Yet the near absolute consistency in the daily readership for each month over a four month period is uncanny. What are the odds that in three months out of four, the number of visits per day would vary by no more than 14, and that for the four months, the range of variance would be only 35? Also, I have no idea how good 2,500 daily visits is for a blog, though of course it’s a tiny figure compared to the most popular blogs such as Michelle Malkin and Powerline. However, since there are influential and prestigious opinion magazines whose subscriptions are under 10,000, I suppose that 2,500 visits a day for this one-man website, which takes a critical stance toward every existing political faction today, is not bad.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2005 01:27 PM | Send

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