A question to Lucianne Goldberg about the Bushes

For those readers who feel that this website is too relentlessly critical of contemporary America, and particularly of establishment conservatives, the following may strengthen their view. I sent to Lucianne Goldberg my blog entry about Bush the Elder’s close friendship with Clinton, along with the below note. While my comments to Lucianne are admittedly direct and confrontational rather than polite and respectful, I personally don’t see them as unduly critical and negative. I see them as fair and reasonable, indeed, as precisely the sort of issues that are crying out to be addressed to today’s complacent conservative establishment. But I’m sure opinions will differ on that.

How does it feel to see the father of the president you adore, seconded by the president you adore, toss into the trash bin of history the work and struggles of all the Clinton critics including yourself? Clinton (along with his wife) is now publicly cleansed and legitimized, thanks to the Bush family. However, I said the same about Bush the younger in 2000: that by refusing to condemn Clintonism he was leaving the Clinton debauching of America in place.

Does any of this make you have second thoughts about the president whom you adore, and his family whom you adore? Just wondering.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2005 10:48 AM | Send

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