Help the Minuteman Project

Can you think of a better cause to donate money to this April 19th, the 230th anniversary of the American Revolution, than the Minuteman Project? Here is a group which is not only doing the right thing, but, in doing so, is exposing the quasi-traitorous Bush presidency for what it is.

If any readers feel that my characterization of Bush is excessively harsh, unconservative, anti-traditional, and lacking in proper deference to duly constituted authority, I invite them to tell me how they would characterize a president who, while standing next to a foreign leader who is openly urging his own people to invade and violate the laws of our country, refers to loyal, law-abiding citizens of our country who are trying to forestall that invasion as “vigilantes”? It is true we are not in a state of war with Mexico, and therefore treason in the legal sense is not the issue. But clearly Mexico’s ruling regime is behaving in such a systematically hostile manner toward the United States that it could be fairly described as a quasi-enemy. And therefore President Bush, in giving that regime aid and comfort,—in siding with that regime and against his own people—could be fairly described as a quasi-traitor.

Finally, on the question of who is a patriot and who isn’t, here is a comment by the editor of the Minuteman Project’s website:

This project is the result of our government failing to do its most basic duty: protecting each State in the Union against invasion (Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution). Others, especially those in government, may look at this effort and try to label it “vigilantism,” but I see it as the highest form of patriotism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 19, 2005 04:36 PM | Send

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