How we would respond to Mexico’s interference, if we were still a nation

Arizona’s Proposition 200 requires that persons show proof of citizenship in order to vote and receive state benefits. Mexico’s Foreign Secretary has said that his country may appeal to some unspecified international court to stop the law from being enforced. If Mexico carried out such a threat, the U.S. should instantly stop all immigration from Mexico. At least, that’s what we would do, if we still existed as a nation. But unfortunately, while we still have the will to defend ourselves from immediate physical threats, we no longer have the will to defend ourselves as a national and cultural entity. In short, as I wrote at NewsMax in April 2001, America no longer exists. That doesn’t mean that America can’t exist again. But it does mean that America can exist again only if it comprehensively rejects modern liberalism, a belief system that, by reducing all values to individual and group rights, delegitimizes the very notion of a larger national whole to which we belong and which has the right to preserve itself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 29, 2005 02:34 PM | Send

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