The bloody borders between Islam and the rest of us

VFR reader Reg Caesar has posted a sampling of the news of the world from the Times of London. Six of the ten Times stories concern Moslem civilizational clashes with non-Moslems.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2004 10:13 PM | Send

The U.S. version of government stopped representing the best way to run a society devised when under Edward Kennedy the 1964 Immigration and Naturalization Act put in place the legal mechanisms which have witnessed the impending cultural collapse of America.

How could a magnificent government, which by notions alien to the founding fathers intent (multiculturalism), justify beliefs destructive to the essence of the nation itself, and how can such a hybrid society be expected to continue to bear the fruits of a harmonious and successful country?

Once the concept of the nation is dead, the culture dead, the historic identity dead, what is left but a mentally ill dysfunctional society that too will be culturally and spiritually dead.

The wild card is Islam of course. The eternal predator of worlds will not be spiritually or culturally bewildered at the loss of identity of the nation state. The reason of course is that Islam provides Muslims with a strong cultural religious identity as well as allegiance to no state but that of the Ummah or worldwide Muslim body.

Islam in America might certainly provide the infusion of a new and particularly radical religious fundamentalism into the void created by the stunned America masses surrendering to the forces of liberalism and multiculturism en masse.

Muslims in America and indeed most of those non-assimilated religious/ethnic/cultural groups will all pick clean the skeletal bones of the American identity and the hungriest most assertive of those groups (Islam) will patiently, steadily and relentlessly emerge dominant. Just consider France’s experience with Islam now to see how a statistical minority can rapidly and forcefully insert themselves into direct confrontation with the state and suffer no ill consequences from their actions at all. In fact the more appeasement is used as a tool of cultural social harmony in France the direr their social situation becomes with regard to the other civilization-Muslims.

I see the same trend happening in America should Islamic immigration, not significantly be limited or halted immediately.

Societal problems most Europeans are totally unaware of exist on a broad scale. America is indeed Balkanizining, national unity is a joke and many people reject much of the Judeo-Christian ideals which constitute the essence of American identity.

Europe as touched upon above is soon to be re-made in another image as well. Demographic trends all strongly indicate Islamic culture will transplant and displace the Western Judeo-Christian identity of Europe by the end of this century at the latest.

Mass immigration, the proponents of the multiculturist agenda, the globalization crowd and the social engineers who champion every cause but the preservation of American culture and heritage have done much to destroy my formerly great country whose memory I hold fondly. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to love the new “improved” America.

Posted by: andrew2 on November 2, 2004 6:37 AM

I predict a big victory for Bush tonight!!!

Posted by: joan vail on November 2, 2004 7:30 AM

To connect my thoughts above on what I think will be the Loss of President Bush, our National Identity and Security as it relates to Islam, please read from Robert Spencer’s site the news today that in Amsterdam a member of the media was ASSASSINATED by a follower of the Islamic faith for offending Islam. Bear in mind this happened in Europe!

In free and democratic societies, the introduction of this a counter-civiilization will only lead to more such acts as this murder and attempted beheading in the streets of the Netherlands today.

Western societies everywhere must stop ignoring and apologizing for the fact that Islamic immigration to the West will mean the conquest of the West by Islam. Europe is the model for this Islamification theory and will offer a practical demonstration of how rapid and unstoppable islam is once it gains a foothold in a society.

Posted by: andrew2 on November 2, 2004 7:51 AM

“….Netherlands today.” = “Amsterdam today.”

Posted by: andrew2 on November 2, 2004 8:05 AM
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