Times admits that Al Qaeda carries on surveillance for years

A complete reversal by the evil New York Times. Two days ago the Times, in full treasonous mode, was trying to make the current terror alert seem like a false alarm put out by the Bush administration in order to distract people from—from what? From Kerry’s tremendous “bounce” coming off the Democratic convention? The Times’ basis for this charge was that the recently discovered Al Qaeda surveillance of major building that was the basis for the alarm had taken place three years ago, and was therefore “old” information. Now the Times is admitting that Al Qaeda scouts out a potential target for years, even a decade, before striking, and that such deadly thoroughness and patience are its hallmark.

Which is why I say once again that the only way we can be truly and permanently safe from the specter of domestic Islamist terrorism is to remove all Islamists from the United States.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 05, 2004 07:15 AM | Send

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