Gallup admits: Kerry suffered a negative bounce among likely voters

The Gallup Poll goes on at length about how Americans view Kerry more favorably on this or that index (“strong leader,” “cares about people like me,” etc. etc.) as a result of the Democratic convention, but then Gallup reluctantly admits that among likely voters, a much more significant population, the results are the opposite: Kerry lost ground, on all indicia, during the convention. What that means is that Kerry only gained in esteem among folks who are too ignorant, lazy, or indifferent to vote. This unprecedented result of a Presidential nominating convention, with the nominee losing rather than gaining ground among likely voters, confirms my statement, made here during Kerry’s acceptance speech, that the speech was a “remarkable disaster.” It also confirms my moniker for him, going back to last fall: The Untalented Mr. Kerry.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 04, 2004 02:15 AM | Send

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