Pro-Western French websites

It’s nice to know that not everyone in France is a terminally smug tranzi. Here is a promising French-language web site called Sos-Occident: “For Western civilization, its identity, its culture, its liberties, and its values.” Another noteworthy French site is Islam Danger.

The manifesto of Sos-Occident, an excerpt of which is roughly translated here by me, sounds like it comes from our own lips:

Why defend Europe and France?

Because massive immigration into Europe is the principal danger we face. Because France is my fatherland. Because in France, intellectual terrorism prevents any debate on the following questions:

Do we really need immigrants in France and Europe? If so, what kinds of immigrants? … And in what numbers? Is immigration in their interest or in ours? …

Are certain communities incompatible with our civilization? …

These questions lead us to make value judgments, to speak of ethnicities, of cultures, of religions, of civilizations, and to admit the existence of irreducible differences. The answers require us to halt immigration into Europe….

The identity of a people and the stability of a country depend on a certain ethnic and cultural homogeneity.

France is, as De Gaulle said, “a European people of white race, of Greek and Latin culture, and of Christian religion.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 04, 2004 06:56 PM | Send

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