Liberals: pro-feminism, pro-Muslim immigration

In response to Mark Steyn’s article on Muslim gang-rape of Western girls and women, discussed earlier, Brenda Walker wrote a powerful letter to the National Post. Here is Miss Walker’s letter, followed by my further thoughts to her on what makes the astounding liberal doublethink possible, whereby liberals and feminists are eagerly welcoming into the West the brutally misogynous cultures of the Muslim world.

To the editor of the National Post:

Mark Steyn’s “Multiculturalists are the real racists” recognizes that multiculturalism is a delusional ideology used as an excuse for brutality and crime against women. There is a cognitive disconnect at work when the media informs us of the most terrible misogynous crimes in the Third World, yet some assume that millions from those cultures can enter our communities with no harm done.

We shouldn’t be surprised at the barbaric gang rapes of Australian girls after reading that religious police prevented Saudi schoolgirls from leaving a burning building because they were not wearing correct Islamic attire. Fifteen died in the fire.* Added to the mirage of diversity as the highest good is the idea that assimilation is racism, proclaimed on college campuses. Immigrants are no longer encouraged to adapt to western society, but to continue their ethnic norms, which include slavery, honor killing, female genital mutilation and other abhorrent customs. The “cultural defense” is popular in court when these crimes are occasionally tried.

The false ideology of multiculturalism has intimidated many into believing it is desirable to welcome millions of immigrants from cultures that consider women inferior. Western culture, for all its faults, is a comparative oasis of equality for women, unlike the traditional cultures so esteemed by the multiculturalism proponents.

Brenda Walker
Berkeley CA

Dear Brenda,

Thanks for sending me your letter to the National Post on Steyn’s article. As I read the first paragraph I had a little eureka moment. The media, as you point out, informs us of these misognynous crimes in Muslim countries, and at the same moment insists on importing people from those countries, while crying “racist” at anyone who thinks it’s not a good idea to import such people. How can this be? How is this doublethink possible? It’s possible because of the ideological structure of the liberal mind. Remember that the core idea of liberalism is that the good has been redefined as inclusion and tolerance, and evil has been redefined as oppression and intolerance. The liberal mind eliminates any rational and moral evaluation of human actions in favor of a purely ideological construction of human actions. Therefore, whatever the particular wrongful or troublesome behavior that is being discussed in a given instance, the liberal automatically, without any conscious thought, looks for a designated “oppressor,” usually located in his own society and among his own people, to blame it on. The liberal is not aware of the fact that he has substituted traditional understandings of good and bad, of better and worse, for “victim versus victimizer.” His liberal way of thinking is built into his synapses. His world would be impossible without it. So, proceeding in this manner, he instantly finds a suitable oppressor.

For example, if he notices the horrible treatment of women in Pakistan, he will say, this is the patriarchy at work, which, he continues, requires, not a particular correction of the horrible culture of Pakistan, but a world-wide campaign to “eliminate all discrimination against women” a totalitarian campaign which targets America as much as Pakistan. And if President Bush doesn’t want to sign on to this totalitarian campaign, then Bush is “anti-woman” (as Nicholas Kristoff of the NY Times called him). But then, as soon as the immigration issue comes up, the problem is not the misogynous Muslim culture we are importing, the problem is our own racism in not wanting to import it.

The key point to notice, which makes the doublethink possible, is the effortless, instantaneous manner in which the liberal will translate any moral and rational question into a liberal ideological formula.

Larry Auster

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2002 02:14 PM | Send


Mr Auster and Mrs Walker both make excellent points. I remember reading something by the Australian feminist Germaine Greer wherein she claimed Westerners couldn’t criticize female genital mutilation in third-world countries “by their standards,” yet couldn’t prevent herself from condemning this practise as humiliating and vile. Aside from the fact that Greer’s appeal to cultural relativism didn’t apply to herself, Greer was strangely silent at the migration of these (mostly Muslim) peoples into Australia and Europe, where they retain their mege-sexist folkways and customs.

Where’s NOW when the next boatload of Haitian voodoo priests shows up off the coast of Florida? Why didn’t NOW raise an eyebrow in Oslo, Norway where a local Muslim leader recently called Norwegian women “whores”? Where was NOW when indexed statistics of Denmark’s rapes were released last year, showing 65 percent of all rapes were committed by “foreigners”? At least the left-wing environmentalists are consistent with respect to further immigration.

Posted by: Max Power on August 22, 2002 7:20 PM
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