Muslim immigrants gang-raping Western women

Across the once-Western world, Muslim gang-rape of Western women and girls is becoming increasingly commonplace, even as Western liberals keep advising us that such crimes are due to our own lack of compassion for Muslims. Thus, after the head of a pack of Lebanese Muslim gang-rapists in Australia was sentenced to 55 years in jail, a correpondent wrote to the Sidney Morning Herald: “As terrible as the crime was, we must not confuse justice with revenge. We need answers. Where has this hatred come from? How have we contributed to it? Perhaps it’s time to take a good hard look at the racism by exclusion practised with such a vengeance by our community and cultural institutions.”

The truth, of course, is that it’s not our “racism” that is bringing on these rapes, but its very opposite—our race-blind liberalism that allowed large populations of Muslims into our societies in the first place. As I’ve said before, the more a white society opens itself to non-whites and non-Westerners, the more, not less, racist the society appears.

For more on this quintessential story of Western suicide (and I suggest you gird your loins first), see Mark Steyn’s article “Multiculturalists are the real racists,” in the Canadian National Post.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2002 03:27 PM | Send


Two quick comments/observations:

1- From the article and such we can ascertain which values are now more important; feminism is trumped by multiculturalism. Divide and conquer.

2- There is only so much one can “tolerate”; do these folks that play these horrible acts like they are nothing (its the fault of the white woman not the Muslim gang, etc) *want* people to descend to barbarism? For what reason? So they can create a viable xenophobic boogie-men? Or are they that afraid of the humane answer to the problem (limiting immigration, more assimilation requirements, etc)?

Posted by: John on August 21, 2002 4:46 PM

They want people to descend to barbarism in the sense of lacking order within themselves so they will rely wholly on the overall bureaucratic organization of society.

Posted by: Jim Kalb on August 21, 2002 4:52 PM

Western freedom tells Western women to go around in public dressed like whores. Western equality tells Western women to heal Western racism (along with the anti-white hate that supposedly results from the racism) by exercising no racial discrimination in their choice of male companions. Innumerable white women have suffered murder and rape as a result of these attitudes. Yet the response of liberals to these horrors is to demand MORE sexual freedom and MORE racial equality.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on August 21, 2002 6:11 PM

Incredible. Let us pray that crimes such as these eventually act as a wake up call for those who still have the will to act against these invaders.

What is baffling about Steyn’s piece is that after listing the horrible crimes committed by Muslim immigrants and bashing multiculturalism, Steyn STILL supports mass third world immigration to the West. Unbelievable.

Posted by: William on August 22, 2002 8:22 AM
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